DTD has just reported that Daniel is to play Steve McQueen

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Post by Loofah »

Fantastic that you ordered the book, Marisa! I can't wait to compare notes with you. The whole thing is juicy. It is definitely a light read -- i.e., it's not exactly taxing my brain :lol: -- but it's also not sleazy. Spiegel did her homework and interviewed people who truly were close to McQueen.

I'm such a hopeless fangirl that I've got other bios on him too. I've got "My Husband, My Friend" by his first wife, Neile McQueen Toffel; "McQueen: The Biography" by Christopher Sandford; and "Steve McQueen: Portrait of An American Rebel" by Marshall Terrill. (He also co-wrote the book that McQueen's widow, Barbara Minty, published last year. I don't have that one because it's way too expensive.)

I'm actually saving the Terrill book for a trip I'm making in June because it's a good thick one -- more than 400 pages.

My favorite book on him is the photograph book simply titled "Steve McQueen" by William Claxton. He knew McQueen for several years in the '60s, starting when he shot publicity stills for "Love With the Proper Stranger," I believe. He became a friend and had unparalleled access to McQueen and the photographs are really intimate. I suspect it was rare that anybody captured him when he wasn't "on," you know? It's a few years old now and I found a copy at a secondhand shop for less than $10.
Marisa wrote:Oh, yeah! Totally agree with you. I know that, given the chance, I would have been one of those having a thing with him without a moment's hesitation.
Hey, it was the '60s. Free love. ;)
Marisa wrote: BTW, one of the ENCORE channels had The Magnificent Seven last night and I was laughing so hard noticing all the quirky things he does to steal the scenes from YB.
I haven't seen that in years and I am looking forward to rewatching it now that I know the behind-the-scenes story about it. I wonder if you can tell how hacked off Brynner was? :lol:

This evening I'm watching "The Sand Pebbles" -- FINALLY. It had been at the top of my Netflix queue for ages but they never could produce it. Lo and behold, I stumbled across a lone copy for rent at the video store. Woot!
Marisa wrote:Thanks for the interesting conversation, Loofah, it's been great to be able to talk to a knowledgeable, intelligent SM fan. I'll let you know when I get the book. :D :D Any particular part you recommend? -Sorry! I don't mean to keep you going here forever but I had to ask, hope you don't mind.
It's totally my pleasure! It's great to find a fellow fan here, because I don't know anybody else who shares my interest. This board is fabulous because not only have I found all my fellow DC fans but also fans of Vincent Perez, Jean-Hugues Anglade and now Steve McQueen! :D
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Post by joelle »

:lol: after reading everybody comments last night after coming in from work I got one of my videos of steve mcqueen out and watched it...I watched Bullitt and it is amazing how much I saw DC in that role. Not that we would expect them to remake the movie. I have the films Magnificent Seven, The great Escape, Thomas Crown Affair, Papillion, Bullitt. Steve Mcqueen was so hot remember having a film annual for christmas and their being a wonderfu picture of Steve Mcqueen taken from the film 24 hours at Le Mans. I just hope the script for this biopic is really good.
Did Steve's daughter die from the same cancer that he had ??? I know I read some where a few years ago that she lost her battle to cancer. No doubt she is with her daddy.
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Post by louiethedog »

Terri McQueen apparently died from respiratory failure after a liver transplant according to the imdb board. In the UK liver tranplants tend to be done on alcoholics, though there are other reasons. Very sad whatever the reason ,she wasn't that old.

Back to DC being SM. We made the kids watched The Great Escape yesterday - which they really enjoyed. However, there is the scene on the motorbike and my partner (who rides bikes) said - there's one thing about SM, at least he can ride a bike. The thought crossed my head as he said it - I hope if DC ever did do the role he gets a very good bike instructor as Steve appeared to have his own style.
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Post by Loofah »

Just to clarify the circumstances of Terry McQueen's death, she was not alcoholic. Rather she had a transplant as a result of hemochromatosis, a condition in which the body produces too much iron, destroying the liver. Very sad, as she was very young and left behind a young child.
louiethedog wrote:The thought crossed my head as he said it - I hope if DC ever did do the role he gets a very good bike instructor as Steve appeared to have his own style.
Excellent point. I know nothing about motorcycles but when I was watching "On Any Sunday," the documentary about motorcyle racing, even I could tell which one was Steve though they were all wearing helmets.
joelle wrote:I watched Bullitt and it is amazing how much I saw DC in that role. Not that we would expect them to remake the movie.
I'll preface this by saying I hope they don't remake any of his movies because there was only one McQueen. But IF they were to do it, couldn't you pretty easily see Daniel as Doc McCoy in "The Getaway" or as Thomas Crown? He'd have been a billion times better than Pierce Brosnan.
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Post by Marisa »

Hi girls, happy to see other fans of SM here! Yes, SM was such a unique individual, it would be pretty hard for anyone to fill those shoes, in my opinion, but DC could probably be the only one I can see doing a remake of a SM film, or his bio. He was such a character! Good point about the motorcycle riding; and it was all Steve in The Great Escape, as far as I know. You can correct me if I am wrong, Loofah. :D


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Post by Loofah »

Marisa wrote: Good point about the motorcycle riding; and it was all Steve in The Great Escape, as far as I know. You can correct me if I am wrong, Loofah. :D
According to the biography you'll soon be reading ;), it was all him except for the big jump, which the insurance company understandably wouldn't let him do. That was handled by his friend and trainer Bud Elkins, who also pitched in on the stunt driving in "Bullitt."

Another interesting point about "The Great Escape" is that McQueen was so keen to ride that he volunteered also to play one of the Nazis giving chase to his character. So thanks to the miracle of film editing he was actually chasing himself. :lol: Diehard motorcycle fans say they can tell which Nazi is him because his riding style is so unique.

What can I say, the man was a gearhead, and a lucky one at that. I was reading this morning that another famous gearhead, Eric Bana, was lucky to escape unharmed in a racing accident this weekend. Don't you know that must have taken 10 years off the lives of his wife and agents? :shock:

Ah, here's the article from imdb.com:
Bana Survives Rally Car Crash

Actor Eric Bana has emerged unscathed after crashing his sports car during a rally race in his native Australia on Saturday. The Munich star was competing in the Targa Tasmania rally when he miscalculated a tight bend, sending him colliding into trees in his restored 1973 Ford XB Coupe, which was badly damaged by the accident. He says, "We had been having a great day until then... But I misjudged a tight left-hander and we went in a little too fast - the car under-steered off the road and got onto the gravel and we went into a couple of trees at a fairly low speed. The car is a little battered on the driver's side which is a real shame, as many hours had been spent reshaping its original panels to get it just right. It's a real shame, but that's motor racing." Bana's co-driver Tony Ramunno also emerged uninjured.
Here's hoping they don't let Daniel do his own riding and driving if they go forward with the McQueen biopic. He's too pretty to mess up. :shock:
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Post by Marisa »

Loofah wrote:Another interesting point about "The Great Escape" is that McQueen was so keen to ride that he volunteered also to play one of the Nazis giving chase to his character. So thanks to the miracle of film editing he was actually chasing himself. :lol: Diehard motorcycle fans say they can tell which Nazi is him because his riding style is so unique.
That is funny! I am not surprised at all to learn that. I'll watch TGE again and see if I can spot Steve in a german uniform!

Thanks for the news about Eric Bana, he is one of my favorites and I am happy to hear he is alright.
Loofah wrote:Here's hoping they don't let Daniel do his own riding and driving if they go forward with the McQueen biopic. He's too pretty to mess up. :shock:
I hear you. But he is going to have to learn...Hmmm...That is a lovely thought: Daniel on a bike in some kind of tight leather outfit :wink: .


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Post by Loofah »

Marisa wrote:Thanks for the news about Eric Bana, he is one of my favorites and I am happy to hear he is alright.
Mine too. Aside from the obivous importance and gravity of "Munich," between Daniel and Eric there was so much pretty on the screen I hardly knew where to look. ;)
Marisa wrote:Hmmm...That is a lovely thought: Daniel on a bike in some kind of tight leather outfit :wink: .
My mind just wandered to its happy place. 8)
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Post by Marisa »

Loofah wrote:My mind just wandered to its happy place. 8)
:lol: :lol: I know what you mean.

Loofah, I was reading last night that the Sand Pebbles has been digitally restored and it's gonna come out in June as a 2-disc set in widescreen format in region 1. The 2nd DVD contains interviews and commentaries and a section titled "Steve McQueen Remembered." You probably already knew this, but I am really excited about it!

BTW, was his father Irish or Irish ancestry or scottish?


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Post by Loofah »

Marisa wrote:Loofah, I was reading last night that the Sand Pebbles has been digitally restored and it's gonna come out in June as a 2-disc set in widescreen format in region 1. The 2nd DVD contains interviews and commentaries and a section titled "Steve McQueen Remembered."
I am so excited about this! It's such a hard movie to find. I had it in my Netflix queue forever but it never got above "very long wait" status. I think I told you I finally found it for rent at the video store, but there were no DVD extras. I plan to buy the 2-disc set for sure! :D
Marisa wrote:BTW, was his father Irish or Irish ancestry or scottish?
I don't think anybody knows. He never met his father and from what I've read none of his biographers have found out much about him.
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Post by Loofah »

I was just visiting with some girlfriends and the subject of movies came up. One of my friends, who knows I'm a Steve McQueen fan, asked me if I'd seen "Casino Royale." Why yes I have, I told her. ;)

"Doesn't that actor remind you so much of Steve McQueen?" she said.

It really is uncanny. This is a woman who isn't a film buff, doesn't have much time to watch movies and doesn't follow celebrity news. That she picked up on the Craig/McQueen connection is strong testimony to their strong resemblance.
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Post by Marisa »

Loofah wrote:I was just visiting with some girlfriends and the subject of movies came up. One of my friends, who knows I'm a Steve McQueen fan, asked me if I'd seen "Casino Royale." Why yes I have, I told her. ;)

"Doesn't that actor remind you so much of Steve McQueen?" she said.

It really is uncanny. This is a woman who isn't a film buff, doesn't have much time to watch movies and doesn't follow celebrity news. That she picked up on the Craig/McQueen connection is strong testimony to their strong resemblance.
Hi Loofah! That was the case for me to be honest, I did not read it anywhere. And it happened because I am always watching Steve McQueen movies. A few days after getting my CR DVD, I watched TTCA and it hit me how much DC resembles SM. They are even the exact same height!
I think it was particularly noticeable for me in that movie because SM is suave and elegant and dressed in beautiful suits, just like DC in CR.

I watched The Great Escape last weekend and I tried to spot SM as a german soldier but couldn't. :cry:

BTW, were you a fan of Marlon Brando? I know he is waaaaay before our time, but I loved his acting and personality. He was bigger than life, quite a character. That was another tortured soul.


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Post by Loofah »

Marisa wrote:A few days after getting my CR DVD, I watched TTCA and it hit me how much DC resembles SM. They are even the exact same height!
I think it was particularly noticeable for me in that movie because SM is suave and elegant and dressed in beautiful suits, just like DC in CR.
For me it was Daniel in "Layer Cake." I think it was when he was dressed in the black suit, looking cooler than Christmas, that the dime dropped that he reminded me of McQueen.
I watched The Great Escape last weekend and I tried to spot SM as a german soldier but couldn't. :cry:
That's hilarious -- guess what my husband and I watched last weekend? Yep, "The Great Escape." I would not have been able to pick him out on my own but on the DVD extras there's a documentary about the making of the film and they show you which German soldier he is. It also pointed out how cleverly the film was edited, as the transition is seamless.
BTW, were you a fan of Marlon Brando? I know he is waaaaay before our time, but I loved his acting and personality. He was bigger than life, quite a character. That was another tortured soul.
I like some of his stuff but I'm more of a Paul Newman girl. Hubba. ;)
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Post by Dunda »

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Post by Marisa »

Thanks, Dunda, you strike again!

I hope is true...I am also of the opinion that no one other than Daniel could or should play that role. Let's keep our fingers crossed! :wink:


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