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Post by videnovasan »

So this one is from here. Anyone in Norway? ... 2-1-734035
I've lifted the pic, but can't read, even see the article....
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Post by Germangirl »

Beautiful. 👍thanks 😀
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by videnovasan »

This info is awesome. Next week will be great fun.... ... 17153?s=19
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Post by danielcraigss »

I've got it!

Last dance with James Bond

After a 14 year long and turbulent relationship, Daniel Craig has finally put an end to James Bond.

Last Dance. Daniel Craig has never concealed his love-hate relationship with James Bond - yet he has taken on the role five times, but now he promises "No Time To Die" will be his very last as Agent 007. The film premieres in Norway April 3. Photo: MGM / SF Studios.

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New James Bond Movie: After a 14 year long and turbulent relationship, Daniel Craig has finally put an end to Agent 007.
In a suite at the Crosby Street Hotel in New York, Daniel Craig (51) sits well laid back. He offers a hand, gives a quick but friendly handshake. He is smooth-shaven, has stuck barefoot feet down in white sneakers.

"It's been an indescribable, emotional process," he says, leaning into soft velvet cushions.

His face is both smooth and furry at the same time. Some white hair has blended into the temple. He just said goodbye to James Bond. For good, this time. It evokes a lot of emotion.

- All the commitments you take on in life, everything you put a lot of effort into ... there are things you get a complicated relationship with. That has been the case for me and James Bond as well.

Craig smiles crookedly. The actor, who has gained the reputation for being both introverted and irritable in interview situations, appears open and almost a little relieved today - as if he has finally come out on the other side - after 13 years of suffering.

Not long ago, he stated that he would rather "cut his heart rate" than play Bond for the fifth time. The fact that the 51-year-old has a complicated relationship with the secret British agent is an understatement. Today he appears more reflected.

- I think good things cause us grief and suffering. Good things fight back, test us. And these films have tested me. But God, how wonderful it is to be tested this way.

British actor, born in 1968.

Had minor roles in films such as "Elizabeth" (1998) and "Road to Perdition" (2002) before breaking through with the thriller "Layer Cake" in 2004. Has between the assignments played by James Bond in films such as "Defiance" (2008 ), "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011), and "Logan Lucky" (2017). This year she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award in the Best Male Actor category for her role in the feature film "Knives Out". Married to actress Rachel Weisz.

It was in 2005 that we first learned that Daniel Craig would take over the role after Pierce Brosnan. According to the book "Some Kind of Hero: The Remarkable Story of the James Bond Films," Brosnan received a phone call from producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson during the negotiations for "Casino Royale." He was no longer wanted as Bond. It came as a shock to both the actor and the fans, who were shortly after presented with a 38 year old blonde Bond. It was not well received.

- I understood why there were strong reactions. Many thought he was a bad choice, much because of his looks, says Craig.

- Although I understood the criticism, it was incredibly difficult to deal with. It was at that time that the internet had just exploded, and of course people would compare me to the former Bond actors, he says, shrugging his shoulders.

His interpretation of the well-known character has been described as a more gloomy version. While Sean Connery was darker and Roger Moore a more cheerful 007, Craig has contributed to more emotional depth. With Craig in the role, we have become better acquainted with James Bond's inner life.

- I could not, or would not, be Pierce Brosnan or Roger Moore. I couldn't be Sean Connery, George Lazenby or Timothy Dalton. They were all brilliant in the role, but I had to be myself. I thought either people would like it or not, says Craig, who now has five productions behind him.

His previous film in the role of Agent 007, "Specter" from 2015, recorded over $ 880 million worldwide, yet was beaten by "Skyfall" from 2012. The most lucrative James Bond movie of all time generated $ 1.1 billion in ticket sales.

- I had settled down with the idea that I should make one movie first, and if it didn't work, I would find something else to do.

Craig smiles shyly.

Fortunately, it worked. But who could have known?

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1 - 4
"Casino Royale" (2006). Photo: Scanpix

Although Roger Moore and Sean Connery recorded more Bond films than him, Craig is the actor who has held the role for the longest time. He confirms that he was determined to have only four films, but changed his mind when he met producer Barbara Broccoli again after the success of "Specter".

- I felt we had another story to tell, Craig says.

Despite his turbulent relationship with the character, he became emotional during the parting - mostly because it also meant to say goodbye to the film team.

- The last day of a set is always an anti-climax, but this was different. It was a night shot, I remember. I ran down a back alley. It was dark. Then I disappeared around a corner and the cameras turned off.

He breathes heavily under the tweed jacket.

- That was my last scene as Bond. We finished around midnight.

Craig says that the entire staff met to say goodbye, and that many held farewell speeches.

- I didn't really know how to react. I tried to say something, but I couldn't get the words out. I was so emotional. Finally, I went back to my trailer with Barbara and some of the actors and staff - and then we drank ourselves together. That was the end, he says.

- It's not that difficult to have an ambivalent relationship with a character like this, Craig says.

He has never concealed his love-hate relationship with Bond, and has often been accused of being ungrateful and arrogant.

- First I just have to say that I love playing him. But when I'm done, I'm just ...

He wakes up, his face transformed by grimaces.

- ... then I'm ready to just leave. Now it holds, somehow. Not least considering that during the filming of the last movie I was seriously hurt. I recorded the movie with broken legs, and I was away from home for seven months. Then I thought "no, forget it, I won't do this anymore". It's not that I'm ungrateful, but it just got too much.

I recorded the movie with broken legs, and I was away from home for seven monthsDaniel Craig - actor
In fact, Craig has been injured during all of his filming. In 2006, he knocked out two teeth during a scene in "Casino Royale". He lost a fingertip during the recording of "Quantum of Solace" in 2008, and injured his knee during the recording of "Specter." Today he hums a little when he thinks back on it.

- I've been hurt a lot. Mostly here.

He jokingly points his head.

- My orthopedic surgeon in Baltimore knows me very well, to put it that way. He knows every inch of my body. But a few injuries during your life are good because it means you live an active life. That's a good sign.

<p> Dangerous dedication. Craig has been hurt during all the filming, which is one of the reasons he gives up as Bond. The actor has, among other things, knocked out teeth, cut a fingertip - and he had to record parts of "No Time To Die" with broken bones. </p>
Dangerous dedication. Craig has been hurt during all his filming, which is why he gives up as Bond. The actor has, among other things, knocked out teeth, cut off a fingertip - and he had to record parts of "No Time To Die" with broken bones. Photo: Nicole Dove

- What was it like to come back to the Bond body after turning 50?

Craig smiles again.

- There you said it. I worked on it for one year. It took two years to write the script, and while we were doing it, I began to exercise. It takes much longer to get fit now than it used to. Before, I could train for three months for a movie, while I now need at least six.

It takes much longer to get fit now than it used to. Before, I could train for three months for a movie, while I now need at least sixDaniel Craig - actor
- What about the diet, is it tough?

- No, that's ok. As soon as I have started the regiment, I am mentally prepared for it. I'm lucky because we have a chef on the set that fits well with all the actors. I just eat what I get, and then I move on. But on the weekends I go out. Then I'll have a beer and eat dessert.

He smiles contentedly and explains that he looks at the training as part of the job.

- I actually get a kick out of it. You know, Bond doesn't walk into a room. He runs into the room. He jumps in through the window. So I have to be in good shape, or at least pretend, so I'm moving well enough.

He picks up and laughs out loud.

- Because it's just pretending. Let's not forget it.

In "No Time To Die," which premieres in April, we first meet Bond while enjoying a secluded retirement life in Jamaica. But of course, it doesn't take long for the past to catch up with him and an old CIA buddy shows up and asks for help. The mission is to rescue a kidnapped scientist. It will prove to be more challenging than initially thought - among other things, Bond comes on the trail of a villain armed with a life-threatening technology.

"When we write these films, we have to go as far and high as possible," says Craig.

- There is nothing higher in life than family and love, and this is what we have based the film on this time. Bond's family is Moneypenny, M and Q, after all.

He hugs a little apologetically.

- He is not so good at showing emotions, but he cares about them. This is a love story and we have a fantastic good villain, played by Rami Malek. That's all we need.

"Casino Royale" (2006)

"Quantum of Solace" (2008)

"Rainfall" (2012)

"Specter" (2015)

"No Time to Die" (2020)

A lot has happened since we last saw Bond. Hollywood has made a real deal with the poor representation of women, both on the canvas and in the industry in general. Movements like Time's Up and #Metoo have changed the entertainment industry. Will any of this be reflected in the next James Bond movie?

- I feel strong ... or what I'm trying to do ...

Craig fumbled for the right words to explain how Bond balances through the #Metoo minefield. He knows that there is no politically correct 007.

- We've got to take into account how Bond has been in the past - and his relationship with women. It is part of the character that cannot be changed. He's still that guy, and I don't think we have to apologize for that. I don't want to criticize him for it, it's up to the audience to do it. But I feel we have found the strongest female role characters ever, because I wanted Bond to have something to care about.

He refers to Léa Seydoux, Naomie Harris, Ana de Armas and Lashana Lynch, the latter two being new members of the Bond family.

- There has been a discussion around this with Bond girls, and it is a term we no longer use. The female actors we have featured in this movie would have given me one on the face if I had used the word "Bond girl" to describe them.

The female actors we have featured in this movie would have given me one on the face if I had used the word "Bond girl" to describe them
Daniel Craig - actor
Craig raises his voice to emphasize that he is personally engaged in the changes we have seen in Hollywood.

- What is happening now is one of the most important things that has happened in our industry - and thank goodness for that. Making a film with a focus on this would conflict with the genre and the film arts, but if it helps to create a dialogue, I happily participate in it.

Among Craig's female role models is the shooting star Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who was one of five screenwriters who were drawn into the work of "No Time To Die". The 34-year-old made a comet career after the TV series "Fleabag", which she both wrote, produced and starred in herself. Daniel Craig discovered her through the television series "Killing Eve," for which she wrote the script.

- First and foremost, she is a fantastic screenwriter. People think she was hired to secure a feminist angle on the film, but Phoebe gladly admits she didn't accept the job to change James Bond, Craig says.

- Coming hit in the thriller genre is unique. One moment you laugh, the next you are in total shock at how cold-blooded someone can be. When I saw the series, I thought this is what we're trying to do with James Bond. I felt we had to get her on the team - we needed an energy injection.

He enthusiastically tells of his first meeting with the "Fleabag" creator.

- I got the chance to sit in a room like this with Phoebe and hammer out ideas. She has contributed to the humor and definitely made the script more dingy. She's a mess in the language, Craig says, laughing.

- Have you seen "Fleabag"?

- Yes. I'm still shocked. It was just so embarrassing to look at, you squint and shrink in your chair, Craig says, hiding his face in his hands.

However, it is not just "Fleabag" Craig gets embarrassed to look at. He is also frustrated by seeing himself on the big canvas.

- I only see all my movies once, he says.

- Why?

- I hate to hear my own voice. You may not believe me because I talk so much now, but I'm incredibly self-critical. I always think, "What am I doing? Why am I standing like that? " I always analyze what I do, and it is perhaps an occupational injury most actors suffer from.

He smiles and hides his face again in his hands.

- But you can't play acting and think about how you look. The problem with Bond is, as my wife usually says, is that there are a lot of model poses.

He chuckles, makes noises and smirks confidently, as Bond would have done when he spies on the spy look.

- You just have to drive, but I have to laugh every time I do. I'd rather not think about those things there. I'd rather just play acting.

- Is it a little distracting to you that people always look at you like James Bond now?

- Well, now that you've met me, at least you know I'm not, ha, ha. I'm really not James Bond.

<P> Completed. Craig doesn't care who's going to take over the job as James Bond, but he promises he'll sit on the front row of the movie theater when the next movie about the agent gets its premiere. He himself plans to continue working as an actor in both film and theater. </p>
Completed. Craig does not care who will take over the job as James Bond, but he promises he will sit in the front row of the movie theater when the next movie about the agent gets its premiere. He himself plans to continue working as an actor in both film and theater. Photo: MGM / SF Studios.

Ever since it was confirmed that Craig was done as James Bond, speculation surrounding his heiress has been in full swing. According to GQ, the list tops actors like Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Sam Heughan, Richard Madden, Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy.

- Do you have any favorites yourself?

- No. I do not care. As long as he does a good job, I don't care. Fortunately, that is not my decision.

- He will surely be compared to you. How does it feel?

"It's not my problem either - not my fucking problem," says Craig, laughing.

- It was a Bond before me, and it will be a Bond after me, but I'm definitely going to sit in the front row of the movie theater and watch that movie, and I'm going to be crazy excited.

He hums a little to himself, and makes a reluctant admission.

- Of course I'm going to be inside hell bitter and mentally ruined, too, but that's fine, ha ha.

- Have you made any plans for your career?

- No. I don't have that many plans. I have played theater and taken on various jobs between the Bond films. I love acting and want to keep going, ”says Craig, who was nominated for the Golden Globe earlier this year for his role as an eccentric detective in Knives Out.

- People have been telling me for a long time that I'm going to be the type of cast as Bond forever. What then, I think.

He smiles.

- It's not that bad.

Daniel isn't social via Jamie Lee Curtis so I'm social for him.
Holler at the North-side Chester Wild boy.

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Post by videnovasan »

Thx. I appreciate it. :D :jamming: :dance2: :jump: :hyper: :happyrunning:
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Post by Daniel_Craig »

videnovasan wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:50 pm So this one is from here. Anyone in Norway? ... 2-1-734035
I've lifted the pic, but can't read, even see the article....
The same for me. I see the pic, no article...

The pic is awesome! 8)
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Post by videnovasan »

Daniel_Craig wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:17 pm
videnovasan wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:50 pm So this one is from here. Anyone in Norway? ... 2-1-734035
I've lifted the pic, but can't read, even see the article....
The same for me. I see the pic, no article...

The pic is awesome! 8)
danielcraigss posted it below
You need to impress me, outwit me, compete with me? Go ahead, knock yourself out, I have no problem with that at all.
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Post by videnovasan »

3 new pics


You need to impress me, outwit me, compete with me? Go ahead, knock yourself out, I have no problem with that at all.
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Post by videnovasan »

And this one just pop up...
You need to impress me, outwit me, compete with me? Go ahead, knock yourself out, I have no problem with that at all.


Post by Daniel_Craig »

videnovasan wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:33 pm
Daniel_Craig wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:17 pm
videnovasan wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:50 pm So this one is from here. Anyone in Norway? ... 2-1-734035
I've lifted the pic, but can't read, even see the article....
The same for me. I see the pic, no article...

The pic is awesome! 8)
danielcraigss posted it below
Oops. Don´t see it. THX for the info. :D ;)

I like the new pics. 8)
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Post by videnovasan »

The article below. I found it online in Spanish, translated it with Google servises and edited. Enjoy! There are minor spoilers!

Daniel Craig leaves him. His election as a new James Bond 15 years ago was the most controversial in history. Now, about to release his last reincarnation of the famous spy, the man who has transformed Bond into a "more real murderer" retires after having starred in the four biggest blockbusters of the saga. Before going for the fifth, we talked to him exclusively.
By Fernando Goitia
"I'm not James Bond, ask my wife, my family ... This guy in front of you can't be further from that." Daniel Craig wears white boot type shoes and knitted sweater. His blue eyes, but that very blue, look you straight and he laughs often when talking about the character that has made him a living myth of the celluloid. Perhaps because of this, the English actor born in Chester 52 years ago defends his identity as if he needed to get away from the famous spy who has incarnated longer than anyone. In 15 years and five films - the last one No time to die, premieres on April 2 - Craig has turned the longest saga in history upside down. In the first place, due to the economic impact: the four already released are the highest grossing of the franchise, adding together 3200 million dollars, almost as much as the previous 20. Then, because he has transformed that frivolous, misogynist and talkative character into an introverted ruthless and direct murderer, who is capable of falling in love, without eroding an iota that charm at the service of his majesty that has been dragging masses into cinemas for 58 years.
Accomplished his mission, Craig says goodbye in a big way. His fifth reincarnation of Bond will be the most expensive and, in addition to closing the plot started at Casino Royale - his first appearance as a spy in 2006 - it includes, they say, the biggest film explosion ever seen. Before saying goodbye to his character, he talks with XLSemanal at a hotel in New York about the 15 years that have changed his life and that of, as he would say, Bond, James Bond.
XLS weekly. Five years ago, at the end of Specter - the previous one - you said that you prefer to slash your wrists rather than do James Bond again ...
Daniel Craig. Yes, that's what I thought, but, you see, shits that one says [laughs]. I said it when I finished shooting, I was exhausted and I had a broken leg; I thought that my physique was no longer up to par and that with Specter Bond and I had finished. Work loses appeal if you break a bone, you know? So complaining and being ironic and sarcastic is normal, although maybe you shouldn't open your mouth [laughs]. I also thought about my wife and my family, I didn't want them to worry anymore.
"Bond has changed with me, I tried to file his misogyny, but he has his tares and is imperfect"
XL: You also said that, if you do another one "it would be only for the money" What finally made you return?
D.C.: Well, it is well paid, of course, but the main thing is that, after resting, I thought it would be a shame not to finish off the story we developed in the previous four. Now, everything is well tied and that gives a compact body to my contribution. It is a great ending.

XL: The real ending would be Bond's death, right?
D.C.: But what are you saying? Bond will never die [laughs]. You make it harder and harder, you stretch the rope, but whoever watches a Bond movie wants the world to be safe in the end.
XL: In any case, this is, now, your last James Bond.
D.C.: That is, now yes. I am sad that it ends, but I feel emotionally satisfied. If I had left it after Specter, I would have regretted it sooner or later.
XL: Your films are the most profitable in the saga. Have you not been urged to continue?
D.C.: No, there were going to be four and I made five, so I gave them one more.
In No time to die there is an agent 007 - Lashana Lynch - which is also black. Anticipating a revolution in the franchise!
XL: In No time to die a black agent 007 appears. Successor?
D.C.: I don't know anything about that [smiles]. I just hope that whoever happens be after me does not have to live everything I lived.
XL: Yes, a good amount. The tabloids of your country positioned themselves against your choice, social networks burned, threatened you with death, accused you of being short, blond, unworthy of Bond ...
D.C.: Yes, but I have to say that today I understand those reactions. There are extremely passionate fans; they feel Bond as their own and have strong opinions about how it should be done and who interprets him.
XL: You go from understanding ...
D.C.: They were in their right.
XL: In any case, after living all that, what advice would you give to your successor ... or female successor?
D.C.: «Please, don't do any shit. Do it well, be fantastic, because it is an incredible opportunity».
“I like to think that there are people out there, intelligent men and women, who, perhaps with murky methods, take care of us. And they do it in silence. That's why we live in peace ”
XL: Do you think the world is ready for a black 007?
D.C.: The world is prepared for anything, but I don't see the need to put a woman in the role of Bond either. It is a wrong answer to that debate. What is needed, in general, is to write great scripts for women and make good movies.
XL: Is that an element that went around in 15 years?
D.C.: It was a long conversation, yes: what to do about that misogyny that characterizes Bond? I tried to change that aspect during my tenure and I think something has improved, but he has his defects, is imperfect and it is not for me to judge him, but to the public. Bond is an interesting character: a hero who is deeply beaten and, although we make no excuses, we show very strong women to create problems. All the actresses' choice starts from that premise. Not of their beauty, but of their ability to give character to those characters.
XL: Like a prime minister or president, you will be James Bond forever. Do you feel part of the history of cinema?
D.C.: That is true. Although it is only a small part, I feel very grateful, it has been an immense honor.
XL: Now that you know James Bond so well, tell me: are you conservative or labor?
D.C.: [Laughs] My romantic idea is that Bond is a public servant, very particular yes, at the service of the Crown and the people. Protects his fellow citizens no matter who lives on 10 Downing Street. He doesn't get into politics, as I do; It is limited to preserving the security of your country. Now what does that mean after Brexit? No idea.
XL: Precisely, would Bond be for or against Brexit?
D.C. [Laughs] Bond, I don't know, because Brexit doesn't appear in the movie. We did not want people in Europe to see Bond and think about this issue. Yes, I can tell you that I feel European and that is why I have been very active in the defense of continuing in the European Union. It's a big mistake, but it's what we have now and we have to deal with it. I think, yes, that we are still Europeans and that we should stay as close as possible, because together we are better. The reason we were allies is still valid: keep the peace, take care of each other. And that's what people like James Bond take care of.
XL: People, not exactly like James Bond ...
D.C.: No, of course, Ian Fleming's novels show a very romantic idea of the spying world. Any spy really will tell you that that does not exist, but I like to think that there are people out there, intelligent women and men, who, perhaps with murky methods that I prefer not to know, take care of us. The proof is that we enjoy peace. And they do it in silence. In MI6 there is no wall of heroes or anything like that, there are no names. And that makes their work more heroic, because for them it is a citizen service. They do not work for the prime minister or the shift party.
XL: Can you think of any real-world villain that Bond should neutralize?
D.C.: Oh yes, a long list! [Laughs] Let's see, I'm a big fan of democracy. It has been working quite well for a few years and I hope it continues like this a few more. We need better leaders, people who do not throw their allies at the feet of horses. So anyone who tries to fuck our way of life has a serious problem with me [laughs].
XL: In terms of spies, which writer do you prefer?
D.C.: I like the novels of John le Carré, where the dirty and stark side of espionage is shown. Somehow, I wanted to incorporate that into the saga. It is a raw, fascinating game. You accompany the character, empathize with him and, in the end, finish his work. Without sentimentalities The character cannot afford them. To be a spy, you must be tough; and that, deep down, is very sad and interesting at the same time; it breaks your heart to see that they cannot get involved with anyone, that they pretend all the time, living other people's lives, making friends or pretending to be in love. Imagine when the other person realizes that everything is false! It is terrible to do that to someone. That's why it's so interesting.
“I don't know what someone feels when killing, but it must be very disturbing. That I try to convey: that their actions have consequences in their internal life.”
XL: Before you, Bond was mostly a seducer; said Roger Moore himself, who considered your approach the most real of all the Bond: "A true murderer."
D.C.: Well, I ... [stops and thinks]. Phew! I don’t know. Look, do you remember the scene, at the beginning of Casino Royale, when Bond kills for the first time? It's a brutal fight in the bathroom and he drowns the other guy in the sink. Well, now that you say this, I will tell you that to face that scene I thought: «I want the viewer to feel that this is his first dead». I don't know what someone feels in such a situation, but I imagine it must be very disturbing, a brutal shock. And that I tried to convey: that their actions had consequences in their internal life.
In the new band of the saga there is a Spanish presence by Ana de Armas. Craig himself recommended it after working together on “Knives Out”
XL: In the cinema, much has never been revealed about his past, except that he was orphaned when 11 years old and other minimal details. Why do you think people empathize with such a subject for six decades?
D.C: Let's see, I think people ... [stops and thinks]. Phew! The truth is that I have no idea. I guess he's just a fictional character, well done entertainment. The question, as an actor, is to create human being that is affected by what is happening around him. You do it selfishly, so that the audience is emotionally linked to your character. If you do it right, you will continue working [laughs]. To be an actor is to give life to another person and make the audience empathize with it or want to know what will happen to it.
XL: In fact, you have been the only Bond actor nominated for BAFTA for best actor, although, let's face it, nobody expects much depth from a Bond movie.
D.C. Let's see, a Bond movie must be fun, entertaining and memorable. And in this sense, the more value you give the character, the more interesting it will be. I just tried to push and push to do my best and make the saga bigger than it already was.
XL: Bond is less glamorous today, less damaged than his predecessors. Didn't you feel comfortable playing playboy?
D.C.: When I was proposed, the first thing I knew was not to imitate any previous Bond. In addition, I am terrible as an imitator, I give embarrassment to others [laughs]. In any case, he still wears a tuxedo and impeccable suits, drives an Aston Martin, drinks martinis ... Something has changed, but the glamor is still there, the difference is that it is no longer underlined. And that, in my opinion, makes the character have more class.
XL: Moore had a tip for the new Bond: "Keep the costumes and don't fall for the shoot." Have you followed it?
D.C. Yes, of course, don't bump into the furniture [laughs]. Two great tips that I tried to follow.
XL: But you broke an ankle in the shoot ...
D.C.: Yes, it's because I get into everything I do. The idea of suffering an injury was around my head, but I didn't think it could be so serious. I had to go through the operating room, motionless for two weeks and six without running. The truth is that this time I had to work twice as hard because, at 51, being as fit as Bond costs more and more.
XL: Would you say that making James Bond is a risk profession?
D.C.: As much as being a footballer. You suffer the same type of injuries: twisting or breaking your ankle, leg ... It is normal in such physical roles, but I do not play in my life or take great risks. That is done by other people for me.
XL: What plans do you have now?
D.C.: Each shoot takes six or seven months, triple than a normal one, so I will spend more time with my family. But I will continue doing the usual: work. In these years, I never considered, for example, making characters that were antithesis of Bond to detoxify me and stuff. In this business, things are not like that. You do not have a wish list. You simply keep an open mind to what may arise.
Very private
• His mother was an art teacher and his father, sailor and owner of two pubs. They divorced when he was 4 years old.
• His grandparents fought in World War II.
• He started school at 6 years, and at 16 he entered the National Youth Theater. «I act as a professional since I was 17».
• He has a daughter with actress Fiona Loudon, his first wife, and another with Rachel Weisz, his wife since 2011.
• It is active in causes such as the fight against AIDS and land mines, gender equality or education.
• His salary as Bond - there is talk of 25 million dollars - places him as the highest paid actor.
• He has worked in more than 40 films with directors such as Spielberg, Soderbergh, Sam Mendes or David Fincher.
• In The Force Awakens, he played (with a mask) a stormtrooper.
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Post by videnovasan »

And another great one...
You need to impress me, outwit me, compete with me? Go ahead, knock yourself out, I have no problem with that at all.


Post by Daniel_Craig »

5 HQ movie stills from






Enjoy! ;)


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New still, released by official account astonmartinlagonda:

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