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Post by Dunda »

SG I put it here too
Sylvia's girl wrote:My Spectre review.
I liked it, I didn't love it. I think the film is uneven with some really good parts and some not. It's enjoyable, a bit predictable and if it wasn't for Daniel, quite forgettable. It trundled along well but lacked suspense. It didn't have any edge of your seat moments.

The good

Daniel was excellent, really inhibiting the character. He was the best part of the film.
The film was beautifully shot, the Day of the Dead in particular was standout.
Hinx was great. Would liked to have seen more or him. Loved the fight scene in the train with Daniel and Hinx.
The supporting cast were also good, Q, M etc.
I also enjoyed the one liners which Daniel delivered beautifully.

Not so good

The plot itself. I didn't rate the back story.
Waltz as the villain was no where near menacing enough. This was not necessarily his fault, the script didn't allow him to be.
Monica was underused, shame most of her scene ended up on the cutting room floor.
After all the effort that went into the car chase scene in Rome, I expected it to be more exciting.
I really disliked the ivory tux although Dan looked fab in everything else.
Not a fan of Newman's score, not for a Bond movie anyway. Bring bak David Arnold!

Well there you have it. I came out of the cinema slightly underwhelmed. I thought it was alright but not fantastic. My hubby on the other hand thought it was brilliant and that it couldn't be any better.
It will probably grow on me upon second viewing, a bit like QoS did. :D

I must say that comparing it to MI Rogue Nation, I thought that MI was the better film, and I am by no means a fan of Tom Cruise.

Anyway, Daniel rocked, he looked fabulous! :D

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Post by Germangirl »

BTW Dunda, what did you think?
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Dunda »

Germangirl wrote:BTW Dunda, what did you think?
:lol: you already commented about the fact that you are lucky that i liked the movie, so that we can drool together

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Post by Germangirl »

True, sorry :lol:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

Sixth trip this afternoon..... and I think I need to cool it for a few days. :oops:

Not that I am bored with the movie... no, not at all. It's just that, even if you have too much of a good thing, it can become humdrum. IS IT POSSIBLE to have TOO MUCH Daniel??? :shock: Clearly not, because since I got home, I have been watching GDT. Not watched it for AGES and been meaning to. For now, I am all "Bonded Out". :wink:

It was raining again when I got home from meeting a friend for lunch and nothing else planned so - hey presto! - off I go to the cinema again! 8) :twisted:

I was a bit concerned about the audience reaction in this screening though. I sensed a certain restlessness among those around me. Two young people left before the end and didn't come back. It was close to the end as well, only about 15 minutes to go.

I felt quite emotional as I left because I REALLY love to see Daniel playing this character. I cannot believe all that has happened in the last 10 days or so and did not want to see it end. When will I go back then? Maybe middle of next week? Or is that 'famous last words' too? Will my willpower hold out that long? I should be able to cope. There are a few Daniel dvd's that require my attention. :twisted:

Now, I am just pleased to read the comments from MGW and the reports of the B/O... :D.... Can't say enough how much I want everyone else to LOVE this.

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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

I'm gathering together all the bits of the movie to see what I love and love less about it.... 8)


* Day of the Dead opening sequence. Imo, this obliterates all opening sequences gone before it. Visually stunning and, with the helicopter fight, it's very exciting.

*Moneypenny & Bond's get together in his flat.

* Getting raunchy with Monica after the funeral. A better 'love scene' than any he has with Lea imo. :twisted: If I was her, I would have sucked/bitten his bottom lip, albeit very very gently. :twisted:

* The whole of the scene in Rome is cool, particularly the car chase. I love the intense look on Daniels face as he's driving. :wink:

* The aeroplane / car chase in Austria.

* Train fight with Mr Hinx.

* I do quite like CW as The Villain. His evil may be understated but it's a delicate balance between good and evil.


* I think the movie starts to 'sag' a bit when we get to Austria. I really can't decide if I like Lea or not.

* The whole scene in L'Americain was just a wasted opportunity for Daniel to get shirtless. As a result, the scene drags and is just 'passe'.

* The love scene with Lea exists somewhere in between 'love' and 'love less'. It's 'too hasty' and feels a little 'forced'.

* Considering I love Daniel, I cannot put the 'needles in brain' scene amongst the ones I love. But like the torture scene in CR, it is pretty compelling.

* The explosion of the villain lair - how did that happen? Did Bond's watch trigger all that?

* The ending. I did not feel the relationship that Bond has with Madeleine was as strong as it was claimed. Having them walk away together felt forced as well. Wanna strong ending for your movie Mr Mendes? Let the camera linger a bit longer on Daniels face!

(Better stop now. Remembering scenes is making me wanna go and see it again sooner than I promised... :oops:)
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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

I can't find it..!!!! :shock: Someone recently posted about the line Daniel has in the movie when presented with the white cat. It IS "Hello Pussy" and not "Hello Kitty".... just had it confirmed. I also now know how the villains lair gets blown up so dramatically. If you look closely, you will spot Bond shooting at what looks like a fuel pump.....

Still can't warm to LS. :dunno: You may say 'Well, that's because you're jealous'. I would agree with you, were it not for the fact that I would prefer R in the role. Weird. (For me...) :?

YES, I WENT!!!! :blush: :blush: :blush: Believe me, I really wasn't planning on it when I got up this morning...
Haven't seen my flat much in 'daylight' now for what seems like ages. And I am so far behind on the housework, it's terrible! :oops: :roll:

But that really is it now... for a few days at least... :wink: :twisted:

PS. Meant to say.... Ben is GREAT as Q. There were some Americans sitting behind me in the cinema earlier. They laughed hysterically at all his jokes.... :lol: 8)
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Post by tbossmc2000 »

Loved it, one of the best bond movies to date. It incorporated the Bond I grew up with.
Bolfeld and the Spectre organization goes way back in the Ian Fleming history of Bond. Genius on sam's part.
Opening scene day of the dead was so amazing, I want to rewind a hundred times to see it over and over.
Daniels swagger walking in the DOD costume and going up the hotel stairs. good lord does he know what he's doing to us.
And his scene with Monica Belucci, holy crap. Again rewind a hundred times...
That was hot.
All his clothes in Spectre was perfect.
I can't wait to see it again.
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Post by caramel »

Ok. Just saw Spectre - Spoilerish review

Here is where I would put it ( ranging from best to meh )
In all aspects including the Bond Theme, sound track, Bond girl, Villan, story

1. CR
2. Skyfall
3. Spectre
4. QoS

Daniel was the best Bond in this. Of course that char has grown into the suave sophisticated spy he is supposed to be after the journey he has had since CR. Daniel was gorgeous :drool: :drool: :drool:

Opening sequence in Mexico city was thrilling of course.
Loved Bond and Q together. Ben was a cutie.
Loved the Rome car chase; all the LOL moments in that chase was very good.
Didn't care much for the Bond Theme song with Sam Smith's whiny voice and all the octopus flying around.

These things didn't sit well with me -
Out of nowhere a car comes to pick them up and takes them somewhere :dunno:
Bond was being tortured with all the needles and stuff but then he is capable of getting up and running after the Blofeld explosion :roll: too campy for my taste
I didn't buy the love thing between Bond and Madeline - what? where is the attraction? - ( I think in interviews Lea should stop saying that her char is Bond's "equal" and all that. No she is not )
Monica didnt make an impression whatsoever
There are far too many explosions.
Waltz was not menacing enough. He seemed a bit weak. ( Le chiffre is my fav )

One happy moment was to see Q in the process of fixing the DB that was hurt in Skyfall :dance2: - that is what is happening, right? I LOL at Q's joke in that scene too :lol:

Daniel should do one more Bond because he is so good at this but this time leave Lea behind :D
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Post by Dunda »

caramel wrote: These things didn't sit well with me -
Out of nowhere a car comes to pick them up and takes them somewhere :dunno:
Well that had me frowning at the first viewing too.

But it totally makes sense and seems logic when you think of the overall topic of this movie which is surveillance on a grand scale
Blofeld knew that Bond was coming and sent the car to pick him up.
Last edited by Dunda on Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by tbossmc2000 »

caramel wrote:Ok. Just saw Spectre - Spoilerish review

Here is where I would put it ( ranging from best to meh )
In all aspects including the Bond Theme, sound track, Bond girl, Villan, story

1. CR
2. Skyfall
3. Spectre
4. QoS

Daniel was the best Bond in this. Of course that char has grown into the suave sophisticated spy he is supposed to be after the journey he has had since CR. Daniel was gorgeous :drool: :drool: :drool:

Opening sequence in Mexico city was thrilling of course.
Loved Bond and Q together. Ben was a cutie.
Loved the Rome car chase; all the LOL moments in that chase was very good.
Didn't care much for the Bond Theme song with Sam Smith's whiny voice and all the octopus flying around.

These things didn't sit well with me -
Out of nowhere a car comes to pick them up and takes them somewhere :dunno:
Bond was being tortured with all the needles and stuff but then he is capable of getting up and running after the Blofeld explosion :roll: too campy for my taste
I didn't buy the love thing between Bond and Madeline - what? where is the attraction? - ( I think in interviews Lea should stop saying that her char is Bond's "equal" and all that. No she is not )
Monica didnt make an impression whatsoever
There are far too many explosions.
Waltz was not menacing enough. He seemed a bit weak. ( Le chiffre is my fav )

One happy moment was to see Q in the process of fixing the DB that was hurt in Skyfall :dance2: - that is what is happening, right? I LOL at Q's joke in that scene too :lol:

Daniel should do one more Bond because he is so good at this but this time leave Lea behind :D
When Q put them on top of the other M said where are they and he said no where.
Africa somewhere, the 1948 rolls Royce was classic, right out of goldfinger.
When I saw it coming thru the desert I thought that was very cool.
It's Bond,
Agree glad to see Q with a stronger role. Good old "Sidney" he killed Daniel in layer cake!!!
Yes getting the DB back was very cool.
I have issues with madline too. Not my favorite Bond girl for reasons I won't post. Theme song and sam smith singing is mushy hard to understand.
The girls touching bond's bare skin and the flames. He is hotter than hot.
Lucky girls.
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Post by Hannah »

I had a few days now to let it sink in, but my views of the film still haven't sure had it's moments, but it was way too long, the second half was kinda boring and I had to fight sleep for quite a while...
Like many of you, I expected at least shirtless Daniel, and what we got in the opening credits was really disappointing - I was too focused on that awful Bond song to pay attention to Daniel. I must say that I liked dressed Daniel a lot in this one, so I didn't really miss (half-)naked Dan too much.
I very much enjoyed Ben's Q, it was good that he had a more important role this time. My favourite scene, however, was M's visit to Bond's flat - hotter than any of the 'sex scenes', I couldn't feel much tension/attraction between Bond and both Léa's and Monica's characters. The biggest disappointment, though, was Christoph Waltz. The most menacing and disturbing thing about him where his incredibly ugly naked feet/ankles in the lab scene :lol:
All in all, I enjoyed the film, but I'm not sure I'll watch it again in the cinema...I might just wait till it comes out on DVD
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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

It's interesting reading through these reviews. Reactions are so split but then I know that art is very subjective and cinema fits firmly in the art world. However, with one of the longest dry spells as Daniel fans we've had, I am a little bit surprised that not all of us are welcoming this movie with open arms. It depends on what you want to see for a visit to the flicks. Bond is pure popcorn entertainment. No reason to over-think it or try and find a reason for every little plot point. I know SP has it's flaws but generally speaking, I really do think that they did a fine job. 8) Agree with most about LS as Madeleine... but I can endure 90 minutes of her on screen if I get to see DANIEL which is why I go to any Bond movie in the first place. I'm not trying to be favouritist or 'wag the finger' at anyone with criticisms either. :)
Generally, I am with Boss and her comments on the film... 8)

I am planning to return to the cinema on Wednesday after work but that is largely going to depend on what kind of day I have at the office! :roll:
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

I think we are all agreed on the fact that Daniel was fantastic. He's never looked so good.
For me CR is still his best by a mile.
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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

Yes, of course! :blush:
He is being a 'good boy' (ish) at least... ! :wink: :lol:

Caramel mentions Le Chiffre as being her favourite villain. I think my list might go:

1. Le Chiffre.
2. Silva.
4. Dominic Greene.
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