The Dry Spell

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Post by Germangirl »

sf2la wrote:
Germangirl wrote:
sf2la wrote:I wish he'd style his hair like that now! And NOOOOOO Bee, he does NOT look like Cameron Diaz! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't wish, hee WOULD, but I wish, he COULD :lol:
I was wondering about that...has he lost hair in that area now to the extent that he couldn't make it look like that?
No, I don't think so, but that wasn't my thought anyway - its too short to do it. As simple as that :wink:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by sf2la »

Oh, I thought I'd put this thread at the top of the list just for kicks. Sorry!
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Post by Germangirl »

sf2la wrote:Oh, I thought I'd put this thread at the top of the list just for kicks. Sorry!
It will be on us soon enough.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Germangirl »

So - the SF journey is over and the question can be raised, what is in store for us in the next months.

I hope for Awards buzz, that will bring the film and Daniel into the news. I am almost sure, the film will get lots of Bafta nods, hopefully one for Daniel, too, and he surely will be presenting in February. Will he present at the Oscars? I think, its likely. The film is just too big to overlook him next year and IMO, it will get some Oscar nods as well.

Apart from that, we will have pap pics, as right now, he is popular and they will try to catch him.

How muc we will hear and see aout the Monuments Men, I don't know, but Clooney is not a quiet one, so I expect some buzz beforehand and info and hopefully, with Clooney, we will get something during shooting. I expect the to shoot some here in Berlin, too.

This is what I can think of right ow. Lets hope for some unexpected stuff like Afghaistan, too.

@ Hannah - when talking with Dnda about it yesterday, we both tought, you should have your eyes open, whether or not they really do some stuff in Berlin and should try to become an extra. :wink:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Jana66 »

Germangirl wrote: @ Hannah - when talking with Dnda about it yesterday, we both tought, you should have your eyes open, whether or not they really do some stuff in Berlin and should try to become an extra. :wink:
...Babelsberg really could get involved in any way. They have a lot to offer. And there is the point of "Deutsche Filmförderung"-money. (This is off topic, but "Cloud Atlas" got a lot of this money). And Germany itself has such many interesting places to offer for a movie like that caliber for to go on location. Pleaaaase...let Saxony become I maybe could go for become an extra.
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Post by Germangirl »

Considering, that i started this tread back in June 10, we were in a hell of a good shape compared to now.

Now is really "hitting the bottom", I think. I don't wanna be gloomy and I don't think, we will cease to exist, but what sadens me is, that I think, we will loose even long timers in the walk through this big dry spell. Well maybe...

K is on her way out, Cheryl has found REAL love and just pops in, which in understandable and who knows, who else is loosing interest. We all post less these days and its hard to know, who just doesn't, because there is nothing to talk about.
Thanks Sylvia for finding those bits, that still exist.

Also its sad, we lost most of the newbies due to them probably being bored.

Personally, I like Daniel and the forum as much as ever, but I don't have the energy anymore trying to find games or whatever to do. I have done that for many years and with the energy low right now, it doesn't seem to make much sense either.

Don't read this wrong - I am NOT giving up on us at all. Its just, that I feel the need to address it (its the blue elefant in the room right now, I believe) and hoping at the same time, that we will go through this together, because I wouldn't want to loose YOU! I am used to you lot and used talking to you - on the forum and behind the scenes.

So - I hope, that once he provides news, I will see you back and also in between to know, you guys are still here. Lets not give up on us as a team and friends here.

Have a nice sunday everybody.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Sylvia's girl »

This could be a very long dry spell so we'll just have to ride it out the best we can, which I know is difficult when there is little news and few new pics to fuel our passion and enthusiasm.
I'm always on the lookout for news and pics of our man and will always make the time to post when I can.
Come on peeps lets liven it up a little! :D
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Post by Germangirl »

Sylvia's girl wrote:This could be a very long dry spell so we'll just have to ride it out the best we can, which I know is difficult when there is little news and few new pics to fuel our passion and enthusiasm.
I'm always on the lookout for news and pics of our man and will always make the time to post when I can.
Come on peeps lets liven it up a little! :D
Yeah, I know, my forum self is a bit depressed. :(
I'll be out soon and see you tonight.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Littlesue »

I shall always be around and always look on this site at least once an hour while I am at home. There is always dry spell's on forums, people come and go, some stay xxx
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Post by Vynera »

I'm still here :)
"A woman looks beautiful when she's true to herself. Her inner beauty shines through. It's like being in love--it shows. You have a natural glow, you can't help but beam--that's beautiful."
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The Dry Spell


I am still here too. I dont often post but I do pop in every day to check on things. I am hoping to go to NY in the autumn to see the play so I hope one or two of us can meet up then.

Pam :D :D
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Post by cassandra »

Me, too -- I'm still here.
If I find any snippet of information, I'll post, but I expect that super sleuth SG will beat me to it! Best wishes to everyone.
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Post by caramel »

Littlesue wrote:I shall always be around and always look on this site at least once an hour while I am at home. There is always dry spell's on forums, people come and go, some stay xxx
Same here!
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Post by Germangirl »

You know, in a way, I always felt responsible for keeping this side up as mod and did all I could do do that. But however big or small my part was, my energies are divided among too many different matters these days to still bring this to the table. So IMO, its up to us in equal measures now, whether or not we will go on or not. Love and hugs.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

As far as I can see, the nature of this forum has always been split down the middle - those who post regularly and those who "lurk", looking without posting. Either action is acceptable and I am guilty of lurking on occasions, depending on my mood. I also think that the forum has more to offer any "newbie" than 95% of the other celebrity fansites out there. I am no expert but D2D has more pictures and more news than any other website I have ever seen. Sometimes, it seems like a 'bottomless pit' of info and I know for a fact that there are things on here that I have not seen yet, despite being a member for over six years. (Wow! That long? Time flies!) I am only just starting to dig through the tip of the iceberg now that I have a laptop at my disposal. And even with that, there are not enough hours in the day to look at everything this site has to offer.

So, it confuses me when we say that newbies leave quickly because they are 'bored', ie, not enough new stuff to look at. To me, it is very black and white. Either you love Daniel and his work and will stay or you are not that bothered by his image or creative output so will leave. To that end, as long as I continue to love Daniel, there is no question of me leaving. The moments I ponder going are shortlived. I threaten resignation when I am in a bad mood but that pledge passes as soon as the bad mood does. If someone or something upsets me, I know for a fact that I will be back online once I have 'got over' said upset.

Since joining in 2007, I have often felt one particular thing missing from here which continues to be missing: Gatherings. For a place where people can become quite close (I share stuff on my blog that I wouldn't even share with closest family), it seems strange that none of us have ever really met in person. The last time I did this 'internet family' thing, there was the prospect of many shows and concerts thereby bringing the internet fans together. Firm friends were made and have stayed that way ever since. Daniel is not a rock star. He does not travel the globe as a stage actor either. His main medium of choice is movies. That means the only way we can get to see him in person - and each other - are plays and premieres. Not all people can travel far in this day and age. I know for a fact that I won't make it to Broadway. ASR is the one I would have preferred to see and I couldn't afford it then either. Perhaps if Daniel had been around before the recession, I would have found it easier to do this. Also, I have become more sensible in my old age and, even with my love for the man dictating my every action, I cannot justify a huge credit card bill to going to see him in a stage play, especially one that is not playing in the UK. I do wish I could... I wish we could all meet up somewhere.

I believe dry spells can be weathered if two very important factors remain: Dedication and Commitment. The last 'dry spell' went from January 2009 until August 2011 - two and a half whole years!!! In the celebrity world, this a fucking long time!! But why the fear that this dry spell will be worse?? Bond 24 is due out in November 2014. That is less than two and a half years away! Of course, it would be lovely if he found the time to squeeze in a smaller indie movie. MM would have been a great thing to look forward to... as long as he had the right role. We won't forget about him but the larger cinema audience might ... and they still just know him as Bond. He deserves to be known for far more than this role. We all know his acting is of too great a calibre to be limited to one role. He always used to say that actors get bored very quickly, meaning they want to start a new project almost as soon as another one ends. Even with another play on the horizon, I am surprised that he isn't itching to get back in the drivers seat. Maybe his 'boredom threshold' isn't what it once was?

I appreciate all the 'Mods' hard work too. We hope you continue to keep this place alive althought I don't expect any of you to become like 'performing monkeys', creating diversions for us. If Daniel pix and idle Daniel chat is not enough to keep us happy, I think there is something wrong there.

My own feeling is, I have coped with Daniels breaks before. I will do it again if I have to by feeding off his back catalogue. Of course, I WANT HIM around 24/7. A new Daniel Movie in cinemas for EVERY MONTH of the year would be the only thing to calm my addiction.... but I know that is physically and logistically impossible. He is definitely worth waiting for and I have no intention of going anywhere that would lead me away from this forum or his side.


PS. In case you haven't worked it out from my 'essay', I'm staying!!
Last edited by SmittenDramaKitten on Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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