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Golden Compass Premier

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:30 pm
by ChristineWhiting
I was lucky enough to get there, behind the barriers, and in front of the entrance to cinema, opposite the film crews on the other side.
First of all, we were lucky as it was a mild night and no rain. Second, the security guard we chatted up let us though just as the barrier was closed to anymore public.
Then OH my God, it started. After 1hr1/2 of waiting, we saw Dakota walking up the red carpet followed by the scrum of publicity people. She was very sweet and signed for me and my children. She seems very confident and very bright for a 13 yr old. A few more celebs and then i could here Daniel being shouted down the line. With one person in front of me, up i went on tipey toes and there with my own eyes i could see him. Black suit, white shirt etc with Satiska close by. He went over to the media people for interviews, so could only see him from the back, with the usual hand grip of Saskita, behind his back. I must say she was utterly beautiful in what looked like a black/dark grey silk full length dress, hair up. She spoke to many people of the cast/crew as they went by, as Daniel carried on the interview in front. She is very much part of the whole deal, and i thought looked like a very strong confident woman in her own right, but with the softness of a supporting girlfriend.
Then Oh my God, it was time for him to come over to us for autographs. I had taken my box set of 'Friends of the North', for him to sign. Many people were shouting and some didn't know who was who, just there for the sake of it. What a waste. I held my box set out and my eyes were firmly fixed on Daniel at this point. Looking great as usual, chatting and laughing with some of the crowd. Then came my moment - i'm ashamed to say i started shouting too, 'please daniel sign my friends from the north'. Don't know if he picked up on it or it was just my turn, but he took it out of my hands and signed. No eye contact with me, but he smiled, as he realised what he was signing. Then on to the next one! I just kept saying 'Thank you Daniel'. Eva was next, and wow beautiful girl, she signed and was very sweet to my two children.
Obviously i was not interested in anyone else but for the sake of my two children and husband, we stayed for the other celebs, x-factor people, news readers, HUGH GRANT(i love myself), strictly come dancing, Trinny(from trinny and Suzanne), Joan Collins etc.
Then OH my God, she was here - Nicole Kidman. Last one to roll up, no interviews, walked straight past us, up to the main entrance with cameras clicking all the way. She looked like a porcelain doll, completely stunning. A true movie star look and persona. I could only stare. Gr8 night!!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:36 pm
by Elaine_Figgis
Christine that is great news. You and Pamela have a lot to share with each other. I'm very glad you were able to get up close. Thanks for letting us know!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:38 pm
by Anglophile
Wow, you got to meet Daniel! Congrats you lucky ducky! And thanks for that nice report, always good to read things from people who have seen him with their own eyes. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:40 pm
by StarryDannyFan
Thanks for that - 2 people from here met him!! I am kinda jealous and envious at the moment....

StarryDannyFan xx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:41 pm
by sigl
Congrats also!! What a great night! Did you say that Nicole Kidman didn't stop for any interviews or autographs??

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:10 pm
by Germangirl
Great you did it - I envie you. If I lived in London, I would have soo be there - hm, almost was without living there.:oops: I am sure, the atmosphäre is exciting with the big moment over much too soon. I guess its a nice event to share with your kids. Mother as excitetd as the little ones :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:17 pm
by Lynda
Oh lucky you. My heart was thudding reading your report!!! How gorgeous to see him up close. I would be a little disappointed I never got any eye contact though. It must have been hard to stop yourself from throwing your arms around him and kissing him!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:27 pm
by sharmaine
Wonderful story Christine.....very happy for you. I can imagine the crush near the end when you tried to get him to sign. This is one image that I cannot get out of my mind. To get through that is a feat in itself. Congratulations my dear!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:39 pm
by bond_girl 69
WOOHOO!! That is so awesome!! I'm very happy for you that met Daniel!! What a great experience for you!!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:40 pm
by redluna
Thanks Christine for the wonderful report! Only reading it let my heart beats faster :oops:

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:59 pm
by Dunda
Thanks Christine! How exciting! It was great to share this with your family. :D :D

Golden compass premier

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:16 pm
by Firstsupergirl
Congratulations Christine and thanks for sharing this event with us.
I'm sure everybody here would have loved to be there with you! :D

And I think it was a very good idea to go this premier, because he isn't the main actor in this movie and therefore the chances to get an autograph might have been a little better than at a Bond premier where the crowd must be huge...
Great that you also got in touch with the other stars. :)

Golden Compass Premiere

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:01 pm

You must have been just down the line from me. I was stood directly in front of the middle doors to the cinema. You described the scene perfectly and I agree with you when the stars arrived it was absolutely manic. I am usually very shy and quiet but I decided a needed to be a little more vocal so I started shouting too. Daniel took my autograph book off me and signed it and handed it back and I said thank you.

I must have been extremely lucky because Nicole came over to us and signed autographs and I agree with you she looked every inch the movie star as did Eva Green. She looked absolutely beautiful afer the iffy dress and hair at the BAFTAs. I told her I loved her dress and she smiled at me and said thank you.

I am glad we both got to meet him.

Pam :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:30 pm
by magch
Christine, thanks for sharing. It's so nice that your husband and kids went with you. I can imagine that it's a bit scary going to events like that alone. Congratulations!

Golden Compass Premiere

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:06 pm