Daniel hosts SNL

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Post by Germangirl »

Last edited by Germangirl on Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by bumblebee »

"do you think this is too much fog?" Love it! Great intro piece.

Biased to wards Hippopotopussy and Quantum of Leap of course! Man he looked good.

Construction skit - really? Oh dear.
The "A Sorry Lot we Are" skit - wavering accent, part Lancashire, part Geordie, part Liverpudlian!

He was very dependent on the autocue it seemed. I guess that's normal. The skits were so poorly written. Ouch.

Oh and his hair is just a tad too long at the front! :wink:

Thanks for the downloads!
Last edited by bumblebee on Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by caramel »

cassandra wrote:
I think he was brave, but possibly ill advised, to appear on SNL, and at least some of the reaction is favourable. I don't feel brave enough to watch clips of the show, but I am enjoying looking at some of the stills.  I hope he can now say, 'been there, done that' and move on. 
After having watched it last night I say the promos and his DIVINE looks were the best part.
It was not funny at all. Like many are saying its all in the writing.
The only skit I found LOL funny was the GF bit at the very end.
The rest was vapid.

I walked away wishing he hadn't done it. Hope the general public is appreciative. That's all that matters.

Well lets hope HE is happy that he got to do something different and that is out of his comfort zone. Its all an experience for actors, isn't it?
Laredo wrote:If the new girls had better show characters like Kristen Wigg had to swoon over him or the guys dressed as girls swooning , would have been fun . He should have dressed as a girl in last skit . The show has a lot of new people and hasn't got it's groove yet
They should have done more with girls fawning over him. That's such an obvious choice. They could've made it outrageous and funny!

During his promos, I would like for someone to ask him as to what prompted him to do take up SNL :brood:
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Post by Corellianjedi2 »

He seemed to really be enjoying himself and was pretty relaxed during rehearsal. I've ony watched bits of the live but he seemed more nervous and rushed through a lot. He was drinking beer throughout the rehearsal, not sure that had any help in relaxing him. Haha. I couldn't tell if it was part of the sketch but yeah.

There were three cut sketches. None of them particularly amazing but two I thought were pretty funny only because it was Daniel doing them. There was a skit that was basically Kennan trying out to be a model on The price is Right. He was a bat expert (?!?) so when they played the music so he could showcase the item, he made jerky movements. Then they brought out Daniel who was already hired for the job. Daniel came out in tight leather pants, an awful shirt with the top buttons open and a long blonde wig. He then proceeded to sexual thrust at the items (a jet ski & the washing machine we had heard about earlier). It was funny because it's the last thing you'd expect him to be doing but the whole sketch was, meh.

The second sketch I wish had made it on air (instead of the BBC one) was set in the gym. Daniel was in a nice fitting (and I mean NICE fitting) gym outfit. He was lifting weights when all the people around him start grunting out songs. He starts singing along and they freak out asking him why he did it. This happens a couple more times. I love how adorable Daniel was in the skit and thought t was cute, again not top notch but it got a lot of laughs) and I really liked hearing Daniel sing for a bit something i thought he'd never do in public. Haha. Plus, the outfit was working for him, even of the shorts ensembles was a bit much.

The third they cut was a dumb 60 Minutes sketch about poaching jaguars. I didn't think it worked at all but again, Daniel was dressed in a ridiculous outfit (think safari/Steve Irwin outfit). The whole premise was just not working and I still feel like most of the sketches were written around the premise "what ridiculous outfit can we put on Daniel? Let's write a sketch about it".

I am really glad they cut the awful wig he was wearing in Regine. A slicked back blonde number that reminded me of Dream House.

Overall, I don't think I would have continued watching the episode had Daniel not been the host. Most of rehearsal I was watching Daniel and what he was doing at one point, before he entered with Fred for the Regine sketch he was literally less than three feet to my right, below where my seat was. I was also the first one to spot him as he walked behind the sets for his monologue. I had been pissed about where my seat was before that but that definitely made up for it.

Lemme know if you have any more questions. I writing this on my phone as I'm on the train to work and I'm late so I may have missed some things.
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Post by Germangirl »

Bee, you look way cool :D

@ caramel - I think, they made him do it to change a bit his crumpy reputation before all promo kicks off. IMO - with that they might have succeeded - never mind, if anybody liked it or not. They saw, he was willing to go for the fun and that is good.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Germangirl »

Shit, they killed the gym and I think, I heard him sing in between. Oh yes, at the beginning, when they had his fav song "Wonderful world?"

So - drinking beer means, he really didn't take it all THAT seriously. No wonder, he flupped his lines in the space skit :lol:

Gosh, I would have loved to see those rehearsals. ;Must have been much more interesting then the final thing.

More questions? Yes, just everythiong you remember :lol:

So - you saw him and Rachel coming out last? Guess someone has had a good time. :wink:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by caramel »

Germangirl wrote:Bee, you look way cool :D

@ caramel - I think, they made him do it to change a bit his crumpy reputation before all promo kicks off. IMO - with that they might have succeeded - never mind, if anybody liked it or not. They saw, he was willing to go for the fun and that is good.
Yeah they better start liking him more now with all the effort he put in :evil:

But I don't know if he would've done it just to please his team if this was just not his thing at all. To try and change the way people think about him? :dunno:
I am thinking he did it for himself. One of those goals you set for yourself.
I want to hear him say more on this during the junket.
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Post by bumblebee »

I think it was just a quirk of timing - he lives in NY now, Bond turned 50 this week, and Skyfall, etc. etc.

I doubt he was involved in the skit writing and probably knew what he was getting into. The live skits were awful. But the intro, his hosting style and the pre-recorded stuff, IMO kept his head well above water.
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Post by Germangirl »

bumblebee wrote:I think it was just a quirk of timing - he lives in NY now, Bond turned 50 this week, and Skyfall, etc. etc.

I doubt he was involved in the skit writing and probably knew what he was getting into. The live skits were awful. But the intro, his hosting style and the pre-recorded stuff, IMO kept his head well above water.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Germangirl »

Am I the only one to think #SNL totally did not live up to Daniel Craig's strengths? #lacklusterskits
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by bumblebee »

Germangirl wrote:Am I the only one to think #SNL totally did not live up to Daniel Craig's strengths? #lacklusterskits
And they had weeks to write these skits! It was like watching high school drama role play at some points.
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Post by sf2la »

The promo had my expectations in the stratosphere. It was FUNNY and he was GORGEOUS.

Everyone knows the host is NOT a writer for SNL, so whether the skits were funny or not should be irrelevant to Daniel's reviews. For not being a professional comedian, I thought he did great. He looked GORGEOUS in the monologue, Muse intros, and where he was himself. He looked almost ugly in some of the skits. And for this, I put him on even a higher pedestal. He was willing to go along with it, wear cheap clothes, wigs, etc., giving little regard to his ego. We never got to see his body. His ASR Chicago accent helped him out. I wish he spoke more with his own voice, but that's not what SNL is about. He pushed himself to be something for which he's not known. I really, really respect him for that.

As Elisa said (and THANK YOU, ELISA FOR ALL YOU DID FOR US!!!!!), major bummer about dropping the gym scene, funny or not.

I thought the show was okay. I liked Muse. I pretty much agreed with GG's likes and dislikes. The scene that comes to mind most often this morning is goldengirl Penny Marshall and Daniel (James) not wanting her gold dust all over his tux. That was a great Penny Marshall impression.

It won't be something I'll be watching over and over again on Tivo though (maybe the intro and Bond bits... :wink: )

Although I could never sleep outside for two nights like Elisa, I totally envy her experience getting to see the real deal. Honors to Elisa!!!!!
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Post by josie »

The Full Episode video is not, I can not see. :cry:
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Post by Germangirl »

josie wrote:The Full Episode video is not, I can not see. :cry:
Maybe try another of the links. For me, the second worked.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Germangirl »

Daniel Craig and Fred Amisan need to have a show together. What just happened was just too hilarious!

I can't understand how Daniel Craig is so funny in his opening #snl

Daniel Craig is perfection 👌

Daniel Craig's eyes have x ray vision

Got a thing for Daniel Craig ;)

Actually though there's a rugged sexiness about Daniel Craig.

Daniel Craig is the sexiest man on the planet
Last edited by Germangirl on Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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