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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:16 am
by Misha
They didn't show it!!! Instead they opted to cover the American Idol finals with some silly American Idol "countdown" show!! :evil:

On Monday's show they said he would be on Tuesday, on Tuesday's show they said he would be on Wednesday!! I'm in Texas, what have you girls heard in your area??


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:01 pm
by HappyAppy04
Misha wrote:They didn't show it!!! Instead they opted to cover the American Idol finals with some silly American Idol "countdown" show!! :evil:

One Monday's show they said he would be on Tuesday, on Tuesday's show they said he would be on Wednesday!! I'm in Texas, what have you girls heard in your area??

I'm in North Carolina and am banging my head against a wall too. DC coverage always seems to be "the next day" :roll: It comes on at 11:30 a.m. here, I'll guess we'll see. Believe you me, if Access Hollywood coverage of DC actually exists, I'll definitely post it, as proof!! :lol: