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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:06 pm
by bubita
I just found out yesterday that Daniel was married, I´m catching up with things at the moment.
I wish them the best.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:30 pm
by Vesper Lynd 007
Heard the news at the weekend on TV. Really, really surprised, but so happy as I heard just close ones were there.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:32 pm
by calypso
i think i just come down after sudden news...i feel like burst balloon, am i only one?


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:44 pm
by bumblebee
calypso wrote:i think i just come down after sudden news...i feel like burst balloon, am i only one?

You're not alone. It hit me yesterday. I rode their high then oops, lost my footing.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:47 pm
by calypso
bumblebee wrote:
calypso wrote:i think i just come down after sudden news...i feel like burst balloon, am i only one?

You're not alone. It hit me yesterday. I rode their high then oops, lost my footing.
into wine glass? Image

if i drank i would too... Image

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:36 pm
by calypso
digiphilly Oh wow. Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig got married!
Forget Brangelina - the Craigs are the best looking couple ever.

13 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:40 pm
by poppy
calypso wrote:digiphilly Oh wow. Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig got married!
Forget Brangelina - the Craigs are the best looking couple ever.

13 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
funny and cute to see them referred to as this :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:41 pm
by tbossmc2000
calypso wrote:digiphilly Oh wow. Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig got married!
Forget Brangelina - the Craigs are the best looking couple ever.

13 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
I am still riding the wave, it get goose bumps every time I see something about them getting married.
They are a beautiful couple,

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:57 pm
by caramel
tbossmc2000 wrote:
calypso wrote:digiphilly Oh wow. Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig got married!
Forget Brangelina - the Craigs are the best looking couple ever.

13 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
I am still riding the wave, it get goose bumps every time I see something about them getting married.
They are a beautiful couple,

:stick_iagree: I am still on a high!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:24 am
by Sue
Can't wait too see the first photos of Daniel and Rachel together as Mr and Mrs Craig.

Do you think Rachel will be still Rachel Weisz as her acting name in movies or Rachel Weisz-Craig? :D

I've come down to earth now after first learning the news of their marriage and have regained my momentum, so to speak. :lol: Got over my shock that I won't be Mrs Craig now :lol: but I can dream!!! 8) Oh get real Sue! :lol: Bumblebee I felt like a burst balloon as well - a great description.

Love reading your posts. :wink:

Sue x

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:23 pm
by sf2la
I don't see Rachel using her married name anywhere except perhaps on joint legal documents for home purchases, etc.

My balloon burst the second I heard they were married! I am absolutely thrilled for them, and I can't imagine a more perfect woman in the world for Daniel. My gut is that this is forever until 'death us do part.' And for that, I will always be on a high.

I've never for one nanosecond thought that I'd ever have an opportunity with Daniel. Never. And for every reason. He's always been the fantasy dream man not only because of his looks and body but because of who he is as a person.

Still, I just cannot explain it, there is a difference about the way I feel toward him and a feeling of a loss. I can only think that the loss part is because it just doesn't feel right fawning over a married man in the detail I do. It's fun and a great release to do so.

I am assuming I will get over my 'loss' period and get back to where I was because in reality, nothing has changed for me or us.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:28 pm
by khenton
As Cher as aptly said in moonstruck. Get over it!
There is no vying in dAnland. Well, not much anyway.
Want ya back up to speed asap! :wink: K

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:31 pm
by tbossmc2000
sf2la wrote:I don't see Rachel using her married name anywhere except perhaps on joint legal documents for home purchases, etc.

My balloon burst the second I heard they were married! I am absolutely thrilled for them, and I can't imagine a more perfect woman in the world for Daniel. My gut is that this is forever until 'death us do part.' And for that, I will always be on a high.

I've never for one nanosecond thought that I'd ever have an opportunity with Daniel. Never. And for every reason. He's always been the fantasy dream man not only because of his looks and body but because of who he is as a person.

Still, I just cannot explain it, there is a difference about the way I feel toward him and a feeling of a loss. I can only think that the loss part is because it just doesn't feel right fawning over a married man in the detail I do. It's fun and a great release to do so.

I am assuming I will get over my 'loss' period and get back to where I was because in reality, nothing has changed for me or us.
There you are, where you been the last couple days?
I am feeling even more turned on for Daniel, I am plain gitty about the union,
I was trying to think when I was this excited about 2 celebrities getting married, they are so ment to be together, maybe after you see DH you will get your mojo back for the lust of Daniel.
I cannot wait to see them togehter, it's so exciting,
Your avi has so much more depth to it, its the real deal.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:02 pm
by sf2la
Oh, I'm only MIA because I'm at my mom's and I haven't been here in a year. She's 81, and I have to put my time with her as my #1 priority. I fly back home on Friday getting into SF late afternoon.

I've been totally expecting this marriage as you know, and I knew I'd have this weird feeling afterward. I just hope it's temporary!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:06 pm
by khenton
No worries. Grasshopper all will be well :wink: K